Interview: Actress and Astrologer Iman the Alchemist

Iman Richardson, who goes by Iman the Alchemist, is a New York based actress and astrologer. Her cosmic identity is comprised of a Capricorn sun, Cancer rising and Libra moon. Upon graduating from NYU, she decided to put her Journalism & Africana Studies degrees to good use by becoming an actor. When she isn’t performing spell work, you can see her acting in commercials for The Home Depot, Kohls, Dropbox, Verizon, & Olay and on TV in shows like “Crashing” (HBO), “Jack & Triumph” (NBC Universal/Cartoon Network). Web: Frank & Lamar (IFC), and of course High Herstory. She is featured in two episodes of Season One, in which she embodies the iconic Josephine Baker and also tells us the story of Stagecoach Mary.

High Herstory: Tell us about yourself, what are your passions? 

Iman the Alchemist: I am VERY passionate about Education. Had a career in it for 13 years but left recently to focus on acting and astrology. During that time I wrote grants, designed curricula, trained teachers, etc. As a result, my style as an astrologer is inherently didactic and experiential. I want clients to learn how the birth chart can be your bff in life. 

Right now I’m obsessed with The Cosmos, Quantum Physics, Egyptology, EATING BOOKS FOR BREAKFAST and Manifestation Ceremonies.

High Herstory: Tell us more about your astrology practice.

Iman the Alchemist: As an astrologer, my practice is SOUL-CENTERED, PRACTICAL & FUN. I harness my SUPERPOWER to CURATE spiritual-material FORMULAS that help you understand SELF and CO-CREATE with the stars rather than be directed by them.

High Herstory: Tell us what it was like to play Josephine Baker?

Iman the Alchemist: It was trippy because I’ve always loved her…but becoming her invited me to process the gravity of her contributions to art and to the world both in my mind and in body. This woman’s heart was ginormous. I still can’t believe she was a real person. It felt like the universe was teaching me about the power I have as a black female artist to be smart, courageous and weird AF without apology. And she made that platform.

High Herstory: You also tell the story of Stagecoach Mary in Season One. Why did you want to share her story?

Iman the Alchemist: It’s like my past self knew stories of her would matter in a way that they never have been allowed to in the history of this country until now. I strongly believe that it’s important for the psyche of women who look like me and for the psyche of the collective, to engage with narratives that highlight the ancestral roots of Black Girl Magic.

Nothing was more rewarding than being given the platform to tell the tale of a strong BLACK WOMAN who was both REVERED and FEARED by WHITE MEN.


High Herstory: Do you have a favorite moment from the High Herstory set?

Iman the Alchemist: To be honest, I know I had the best time of my life. I also know it was the highest I had ever been so my memories are a bit foggy. BUT I do remember having this super clear moment in which I was like in my body and out of it simultaneously. I just remember looking around and feeling so fulfilled. I was surrounded by a team of bad asssss lady humans (and Chase) of ALL ethnic backgrounds, and there was nothing but intelligence, love and competency in the air.  Powerful AF.

Also, THE COSTUME FITTING WAS PRETTY DOPE. It was eerie how everything fit so perfectly.  The team did a phenomenal job with the wardrobe. With everything, really.

I also remember being in awe of the woman who legit had the role of just rolling fast ass joints. Like what. I almost kidnapped her but i’m not into prison.

High Herstory: What was the funniest moment?

Iman the Alchemist: Attacking Jenny with fake human feces in my hands and random face sores.

High Herstory: What are you working on now? 

Iman the Alchemist: As an actress…auditioning. I’m also doing a lot of work to refine my Astrology Practice. Also…I’m working on managing my Energy Field. Trying to deprogram the thoughts and behaviors that keep my vibration low in service of ones that allow me to act in alignment with my higher self. 

High Herstory: As an actress what made you want to be a part of a project that is pro Cannabis? 

Both Cannabis and acting allow me to experience dimensions of reality in a way that is healing. So I saw working on this project as a much needed platform to explore where and how the two intersect. 

Also, sometimes I like to have fun.

High Herstory: Who is another important woman to you that we would all benefit from knowing more about? 

Kartina Richardson aka Mama Kar. And not just because she is my older sister-cousin. She’s truly a spiritual warrior and is dedicated to healing the trauma in our family and the trauma of the collective through her healing work as a Clairvoyant, Spiritual Detective and Ancestral Rootworker. 

Beyond our love of working with Iman as an actress, all of us here at High Herstory have had such incredibly informative and powerful astrology sessions with Iman. We could not recommend her more highly.  Working with Iman taps you into an ancestral plane, you can feel your vibration rise. To book a session and learn more about her work check out her website.


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